
추천 저자 authors
화제의 신간

Poor Economics (Hardcover)
Esther Duflo

The 5 Levels of Leadership (Paperback)
존 맥스웰 지음

Demand: How to Discover It, Exploit It, and Why Everything Depends on It (Paperback)
에이드리언 J. 슬라이워츠키 지... 7,490

That Used to Be Us (Perfect Paperback)
토머스 L. 프리드먼 지음

2011 베스트!

Brandwashed (Paperback)
마틴 린드스트롬 지음

Disciplined Dreaming (Hardcover)
Josh Linkner

Poke the Box (Hardcover)
Godin, Seth

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이 분야에 39 개의 상품이 있습니다.

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2017 with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video (Paperback, 2)

GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) / Wiley

27,600원(50%할인 / 280원)

The Intelligent Entrepreneur: How Three Harvard Business School Graduates Learned the 10 Rules of Successful Entrepreneurship (Paperback)

Murphy, Bill, Jr. / St Martins Pr

6,300원(67%할인 / 70원)

What Matters in College?: Four Critical Years Revisited (Paperback)

Alexander W. Astin / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

61,740원(30%할인 / 620원)

Kaplan GMAT 800 (Paperback)

Not Available / Kaplan Test Prep

24,500원(30%할인 / 250원)

Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education (Hardcover, 2, Revised)

Banks, James A. / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

226,800원(30%할인 / 2,270원)

GMAT Roadmap: Expert Advice Through Test Day (Paperback, 6)

Manhattan Prep / Manhattan Prep Pub

27,300원(30%할인 / 280원)

Challenges Facing Higher Education at the Millennium (Hardcover)

Werner Zvi Hirsch / Emerald Group Pub Ltd

226,780원(30%할인 / 2,270원)

GMAT Algebra Strategy Guide (Paperback, Sixth Edition)

Manhattan Prep / Manhattan Prep Pub

27,300원(30%할인 / 280원)

GMAT Fractions, Decimals, & Percents (Paperback, 6)

Manhattan Prep / Manhattan Prep Pub

27,300원(30%할인 / 280원)

GMAT Geometry (Paperback, Sixth Edition)

Manhattan Prep / Manhattan Prep Pub

27,300원(30%할인 / 280원)

Writing Portfolio Activities Kit: Ready-To-Use Management Techniques and Writing Activities for Grades 7-12 (Paperback)

Mary Ellen Ledbetter / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

41,580원(30%할인 / 420원)

Serving on Promotion, Tenure, and Faculty Review Committees: A Faculty Guide (Paperback, 2)

Diamond, Robert M. / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

27,720원(30%할인 / 280원)

Writing Your MBA Dissertation (Paperback)

Brian White / Cengage Learning Business Pr

31,400원(40%할인 / 320원)

Smart Things to Know about Lifelong Learning (Paperback)

Andrew Holmes / Capstone Ltd

36,540원(30%할인 / 370원)

Your MBA Game Plan (Paperback)

Omari Bouknight / Career Pr Inc

21,400원(30%할인 / 220원)

Corporate Learning: Proven and Practical Guidelines for Building a Sustainable Learning Strategy (Hardcover)

Mike Dulworth / Pfeiffer & Co

69,300원(30%할인 / 700원)

Teaching Notes to Casebook I: A Guide for Faculty and Administrators (Paperback)

James P. Honan / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

22,680원(30%할인 / 230원)

Casebook I Faculty Employment (Paperback)

James P. Honan / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

35,280원(30%할인 / 360원)

Training for Dummies (Paperback)

Elaine Biech / For Dummies

27,700원(30%할인 / 280원)

Lessons Without Limit: How Free-Choice Learning Is Transforming Education (Paperback)

Falk, John H. / Altamira Pr

30,170원(30%할인 / 310원)

Teaching with Technology: Designing Opportunities to Learn (with Infotrac) [With Infotrac] (Paperback, 2)

Priscilla Norton / Wadsworth Pub Co

216,650원(30%할인 / 2,170원)

Teaching Learners with Mild Disabilities: Integrating Research and Practice (Paperback, 2)

Ruth Lyn Meese / Wadsworth Pub Co

8,000원(77%할인 / 0원)

On the Edge of Success (Paperback)

Marmy A. Clason / Wadsworth Pub Co

157,430원(30%할인 / 1,580원)

Learning Change Adult Years P (Paperback)

Mark Tennant / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

55,440원(30%할인 / 560원)