·미국 Southwestern College(B.A.)
·미국 Drew University(M.Div.)
·미국 University of Kansas(Ed.D.)
·미국 St. Paul School of Theology 설교학 교수 역임
·미국 St. Paul School of Theology, William K. McElvaney 명예 교수
·The Homiletic Beat: Why All Sermons Are Narrative(Abingdon Press, 2012)
·The Homiletical Plot: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form(WJK Press, 2001)
·The Sermon: Dancing the Edge of Mystery(Abingdon Press, 1997)
·Living with the Lectionary: Preaching through the Revised Common Lectionary(Abingdon Press, 1992)
·How to Preach a Parable: Designs for Narrative Sermons(Abingdon Press, 1989)
·Doing Time In The Pulpit: The Relationship Between Narrative and Preaching(Abingdon Press, 1985)