The Compleat Angler; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation; Being a Discourse of Fish and Fishing not Unworthy the Perusal of Most Anglers [by] Izaak (Paperback)
The Compleat Gamester: Or, Full And Easy Instructions For Playing At Above Twenty Several Games Upon The Cards With Variety Of Diverting Fanc (Hardcover)
The Compleat Gamester: Or, Instructions how to Play at all Manner of Usual, and Most Gentile Games, Either on Cards, Dice, Billiards, Trucks, (Hardcover)
The Compleat Gamester: Or, Full and Easy Instructions for Playing at Above Twenty Several Games Upon the Cards with Variety of Diverting Fanc (Paperback)
Memoirs of the Sieur de Pontis: Who served in the army six and fifty years, under King Henry IV. Lewis the XIII. and Lewis the XIV. Containing many re (Paperback)