Reports of Judgments and Decisions / Recueil Des Arrets Et Decisions. Volume 2013-V: Sindicatul "Pastorul Cel Bun" V. Romania - I.B. V. Greece - Gutsa (Paperback)
Reports of Judgments and Decisions / Recueil Des Arrets Et Decisions. Volume 2013-II: X and Others/Et Autres V. Austria - Zorica Jovanovic V. Serbia - (Paperback)
Reports of Judgments and Decisions / Recueil Des Arrets Et Decisions. Volume 2013-I: Willcox And/Et Hurford V. the United Kingdom - Oleksandr Volkov V (Paperback)
Reports of Judgments and Decisions / Recueil Des Arrets Et Decisions. Volume 2013-IV: Maktouf and Damjanovic V. Bosnia and Herzegovina - Allen V. the (Paperback)
Reports of Judgments and Decisions / Recueil Des Arrets Et Decisions. Volume 2013-VI: del Rio Prada V. Spain - Vallianatos and Others V. Greece - Sode (Paperback)
Reports of Judgments and Decisions / Recueil Des Arrets Et Decisions. Volume 2013-III: Sabanchiyeva and Others/Et Autres V. Russia - Lavrechov V. the (Paperback)