Le mecanisme de formation de l'ecaille du procede Bayer (Paperback) - La cinetique et le mecanisme de cristallisation de l'aluminosilicate de sodium dans la formation de l'ecaille du procede Bayer
O mecanismo de formacao da escala de processo da Bayer (Paperback) - A cinetica e o mecanismo de cristalizacao do aluminossilicato de sodio na formacao da escala de processo da Bayer
Der Mechanismus der Kesselsteinbildung im Bayer-Prozess (Paperback) - Die Kinetik und der Mechanismus der Natriumaluminosilikat-Kristallisation bei der Bildung von Bayer-Prozessstein
Clinton's enlargement of a military alliance in a time of peace: How he became convinced of it and why it has positive and negative results (Paperback)
Examination of Gold Thin Film Growth Using the Charged Cluster Model (Paperback) - Mechanism of Gold Thin Film Deposition: An Approach by the Theory of the Charged Clusters
Mechanizm powstawania zgorzeliny w procesie Bayer (Paperback) - Kinetyka i mechanizm krystalizacji glinokrzemianu sodu w procesie powstawania zgorzeliny w firmie Bayer
Het mechanisme van de vorming van de Bayer-processchaal (Paperback) - De kinetiek en het mechanisme van natriumaluminosilicaatkristallisatie bij de vorming van Bayer-procesaanslag
The mechanism of Bayer process scale formation (Paperback) - The kinetics and mechanism of sodium aluminosilicate crystallisation in Bayer process scale formation