Speech of Se?r Don Mat?s Romero ... Read on the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of General Ulysses S. Grant, Celebrated at the Metropolitan Methodist (Paperback)
Speeches of General U.S. Grant, Republican Candidate for Eighteenth President of the United States, Being Extracts From Speeches, Letters, Orders, Mil (Hardcover)
Speech of Thaddeus Stevens, esq., in Favor of the Bill to Establish a School of Arts in the City of Philadelphia, and to Endow the Colleges and Academ (Paperback)
Speeches of General U.S. Grant, Republican Candidate for Eighteenth President of the United States, Being Extracts From Speeches, Letters, Orders, Mil (Paperback)
The Crisis of the Times: A Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., on the Evening of the National Fast, Thursday, A (Hardcover)
Remarks on a "Reprint of the Original Letters From Washington to Joseph Reed: During the American Revolution, Referred to in the Pamphlets of Lord Mah (Hardcover)
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A Centennial Fourth of July Democratic Celebration. the Massacre of Six Colored Citizens of the United States at Hamburgh, S. C., July 4, 1876. Debate (Hardcover)