[외국도서] Biomarkers for Assessing Ethanol Consumption & Development of Alcoholic Liver Disease (Paperback) - Immune Responses Against Ethanol Metabolites, Cytokine Profiles & Markers of Fibrogenesis
[외국도서] Association & Functional Studies on Promoter Polymorphisms Within the Apolipoprotein E Gene, Regarding Lipid Metabolism & Atherosclerosis (Paperback)
[외국도서] Evaluation of the Results of Active Diagnostics & Treatment of Coeliac Disease in a High-prevalence Area (Paperback) - A Special Focus on Dietary Compliance, Quality of Life & Associated Complications
[외국도서] Abortions & Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Women in St. Petersburg in the Early 2000's (Paperback) - Comparison by Population뻖ased Surveys in Estonia and Finland